Brad is on his way to Tepic on the City Bus, with Miguel, the morning waiter and his girlfriend. So I had some time to myself to figure out how to get the internet wirelessly in our room (on the balcony) so we can now use our laptop and download pictures. You will find pictures if you click on the word Pictures at the top. It will take you to a different web site to view our pictures.
Only a couple of days left, tomorrow we are taking a tour in the mountains where the Huichol people live. They are the original Indians of this area and there are not many left. Part of their religious cerimonies include taking Peyote and seeing the rainbow, which is how they get the designs and colors for the bead work they do.

I will explain more after I learn about it tomorrow.
Can't believe how Brad is taking all this relaxing and not doing much, he's adapting well!

As for me there are not many pictures because I had pink eye when I left and as it turns out, It was probably gone but I seems that I was alergic to the drops the Dr. prescribed and it just made it worse for the 1st week we were here (really nasty red and sore and itchy) until I stopped the drops and my eye is fine now. Also had a toe infection before I left and it is fine now too. Neither stopped me from having a good time though! I think the tequilla healed everything! LOL
The Hotel is good for the value, nothing too fancy but very clean and they are constantly cleaning and fixing and painting. Very hard workers! for not much dinero.The food is good and plenty same as the booze. The Bartender from 10am to 2pm made me a ring from an American one dollar bill. Also in the picture is a silver bracelet I bought at Arnie's. Well known here for being reputable silver dealer.

Well that's all for now, I'm going to the pool and drining some margaritas!