Sunday, June 28, 2009

Saturday June 27th

Travelled from Hay River to Fort Providence including the ferryboat ride across the MacKenzie River.

Arrived FP midafternoon decided to stay there instead of going to yellowknife to camp. The campsites are great as usual, over looking the MacKenzie river.

Went for a ride around town and stopped for a beer at the Snowshoe Lounge. They were having a Canada Day Celebration that evening so we went had dinner then went back to the bar. I won the Budwieser Pool Cue! Yeah!!! Had lot's of fun then went for one beer at Denis and Marylyn's house. Very nice people and her sister Genavive. We have our picture on the Snowshoe Lounge's Facebook Page.
Lot's and Lot's of mosquitoes at this campsite and noseeums. My left underside of my arm is literally covered with red bumps.

Friday June 26th

Left the 60th parallel and drove to Hay River. Stayed at the Territorial Park there. We found a cafe that had free internet so we could blog to all of you. We also Skyped a few people (if you don't know what it is, look it up). Visited the Old Hudson Bay Store and rode the bike around to see the town. They have a purple school. All the people very nice. Weather so far is good. Still alot of bugs (mostly mosquitoes).
Brad says "Hay River, what a dirty looking town". "nice to visit, great campsite, glad I went there".

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Post from Dar

Enough with the mosquitoes! Kill them all!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday June 25th

This is a picture of me with my RAID! and Brad with his BEER at 11:10pm last night. The picture is not altered and no flash was used this is how light it was at that time!

Travelled from 60th parallel campsite to Alexandra Falls

and Louise Falls

continued on to Hay River set up camp and came to town to find the internet so we could spend 2.5 hours blogging for you all. Hope someone is reading this!

Wednesday June 24th

Left Grimshaw, AB another sunny day! Hit the black flies and mosquitos!! Not a fan! Drove all day and hit the 60th Parrallel (NWT) at about 7:00pm with a few stops for lunch and stretching our legs. Also a stop at Indian Cabins and burial grounds just before the Parrallel. Here are some pictures.

Tuesday June 23rd

Sunny again! Brad fixed up the accident a little better so nothing would come down on our travels, and we packed up to go. Said goodbye to everyone and they all left to do things. We finished packing up and went to leave and the truck battery was dead. So we waited around till Don and Sylvia came back and gave us a jump. Went immediatley to Canadian Tire and bought a battery. Running behind time (again) and made it to Grimshaw about 6:30pm unpacked, went had dinner and went to drop a coat off that someone left at the party in Fort St. John.

Monday June 22nd

We were planing to leave today but decided to stay one more day. Visited with friends, went to town, and just kicked back. Brad invited Mike Spuruda and Sandy after dinner for a beer, but then decided to take a ride with the next door neighbour and left just before Mike and Sandy showed up, so we had to entertain his guests for an hour and a half till he arrived back. Visited with them and then sat around the fire for awhile.

Sunday June 21st

Had another great sunny day. While everyone was there for the 50th, Diane and Bob had decided to get married so we went to the wedding and then had another party back at their house. A big pig and beef roast. More dancing and fun.

Saturday June 20th

Rained last night and a little this morning, worried about the party tonight but it cleared up mid morning and turned sunny. Had a great day with old friends and some new ones and the evening celebrated Don and Slyvia MacGillivary’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. It was a great Party they put on a big spread and had dancing.

Friday June 19th

Went to leave Prince George and stopped to fuel up. Went to leave after fueling and it was very narrow between gas pumps. And you know the concrete pilars that they have to stop people from smashing the pumps, well they work! Brad thought he had cleared the back end but hadn’t quite and ripped some of the back left corner of the RV off (hanging, not right off) and split the fiberglass up the back corner. I thought all in all he took it very well. Even the gas girl commented on how calm he seemed. Anyway we tacked it back in place and carried on. Arrive in Fort St. John Friday evening.

Thursday June 18th

Made it to Prince George and had a great time with Verna and Herb Conat, at the new opening of the Bingo Hall in the Treasure Cove Casino. The food was good and the entertainment was great. They were the Timebenders and they sang songs and had costumes for the 50’s 60’s 70’s 80’s 90’s they were very funny and talented. If anyone knows the old Maz and Me’s or the one now, Giggle Dam, it’s kind of like that but not at dinner time.

Wed. June 17th

Well we finally got away Wed. June 17th at 3:00pm. Stopped at the Alpine in Boston Bar for Pie, of course. Then spent the night at 108 mile (north of 100 Mile House) rest area.

Bike Box

Finally here's what you've all been waiting for...

Saturday, June 13, 2009


This is our Itinerary, we are not leaving on Sunday now so add a day to the dates to get the right one on the right day.
Click on the picture for a larger view that you can actually read.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

All Alaska Cruise Pictures

Click on the title and see all of our Alaska Cruise Pictures.