By Thursday night the trailer was all repaired and ready to go, so we left Dawson first thing Friday morning.
July 24 Caught the ferry acrossed the Yukon River first thing in the morning and on our way to Chicken AK along the "Top Of The World Hwy". This 470 Km highway take you up and up to a elevation of 1260m and you actually feel like you are on top of the world. The scenery and view's are out of this world, totally beautiful. The road is what they call in "good shape." It climbs, and climbs some more. It is a all gravel road, and very dusty. (remember, no drivers window)

We got into Chicken about 3pm, was only going to stop for a wet one, but when we got to the "Downtown Chicken Saloon", what could one do but at least have two. The bar ceiling and walls are filled with business cards, hats and panties and bras that are all tattered from being shot out of a canon.

Well the throat was so dry, we ended wetting our whisle all night and stayed in their parking lot. We met a number of people from all over the place, Juneau AK, Arkansas, Louisiana,Germany and Switzerland had a great time and when the bar closed at 10pm we partied in the trailer, until 4:30 in the morning. What a way to spend your birthday, amazing.

July 25 We left Chicken about noon, neither one of us felt like driving, but made some miles. Drove the "Taylor Hwy to Tok AK and had to have a afternoon nap, and then on to Delta Junction for the night (which is at the end of the Akaska Hwy). Got up the next morning and went to the visitors centre in Delta Junction, and then on our way to Fairbanks AK.
July 27 We are staying at the "Riverview RV Campsite". Took the truck into Speedy Auto Glass, to get the drivers window installed and toured around Fairbanks for the day. In the evening we went to Fairbanks Arts Centre and saw a show of "Celebrating Athabascan People". It is a stage show with youth dancers and fiddle music and dance and some old ladies telling their stories of their lives. The music and singers share 100-year old songs in their native language, We both found it vert interesting.