Thursday, January 6, 2011

Three Kings Day – Dia del los Reyes – Epiphany Jan 06

Today (January 6th) is Dia de los Reyes ( Three Kings day or the start of Epiphany). In Mexico and particularly in Jaltemba Bay the day will be celebrated by the giving of gifts and the eating of the Rosca de Reyes (bread ring of the kings).

Most people will be familiar with the story of the three wise men following the start to Bethlehem bringing gifts to the baby Jesus. This year in Guayabitos they were featured in nativity scenes with their gifts.

For more traditional Mexicans this is the day that gifts are given to children rather than on December 25th but in my experience children seem to receive the larger gifts more commonly on the 25th.

This evening most Mexican families will celebrate the event by eating the Rosca de Reyes which is on sale in most food stores and on the street.

It will be accompanied by hot chocolate. This medium sized one costs 140 pesos and would serve a family of 8 to 12. It is not served as a desert but rather as the late evening meal called cena at about 8 pm.

The bready, sweet cake contains several “monitos”, small plastic figures of the baby Jesus. The people who find the monitos in their piece of cake will host the meal of tamales that will be served on February 2nd to mark the end of the Christmas celebrations.

Epiphany starts on January 6th and ends with Candlemas on February 2nd. Candlemas is also known as the Feast of Purification. For Christian the celebration marks the day on which the baby Jesus was presented in the Temple.

For us it falls on January 6 but for Roman Catholics in many countries it is celebrated on the Sunday that falls between January 2 and January 8. For those who celebrate according to the Julian Calendar it will be around the 19th of January.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Leaving, on a Plane again

Leaving on Tuesday, January 11, back again to Guayobitis, Mex. Our time at home for a visit has been wonderful. Over the Christmas Season we were able to visit with many of our friends on the Lower Mainland. Sorry, we didn't get to see all of you.( We will be back in the Spring).

We, along with Dar's Dad, went to Kamloops (by Via Rail) for Christmas. We left Vancouver at 8:30 pm. Christmas Eve and arrived in Kamloops at 5:30 am, Dec 25. It was nice. Dar's Dad did not want to drive in a vechicle, so he picked the train. It was quite tiring because you don't get a lot of sleep with all the people and noises. We had four days there with Dar's brother and sister-in-law, niece and nephew, their beau's and seven of Collete's family. It was real nice to have all of Dar's family together as her sister and brother-in-law droped in, out of the blue, on December 26. We all had a few good drinks and way to much food. The laughs were enjoyed by all, so the time there was wonderful.

New Year's Eve saw us off to Woody's Pub, seeing Dar's hairdresser Chris for awhile and then off to Langley to a friends place for some serious drinking for me, and bring in the New Year with a bang. I paid for it the next day, getting to old to do that kind of drinking, but had loads of fun anyway. Darlene was the DD.

Saw my family on New Year's Day and had an excellent visit. Also a couple of Basketball games for my oldest Grandson, who has recently broke his nose in a game.

As I said, off this Tuesday, so will get a couple friends in (visiting) this weekend and then it will be time to heard 'er South again, and warm up.
Wish you all could come with us, what a Party that would be!
See you in the Spring!
Love Brad and Dar