Friday, November 22, 2013

Interesting Tree


Cornus florida urbiniana

a.k.a. Magic Dogwood
An exotic Mexican variant of the more common Flowering Dogwood. The variety is noted for its flower bracts, which are fused together, resulting in an amazing display of spirals and shapes. No two flowers would seem to look exactly alike. When in bloom the tree can be covered with hundreds of the beautiful white flowers in an ornamental display like no other.


A deciduous tree usually growing to 10-20 feet. Date of leaf drop varies depending on the climate, but leaves tend to stay on the tree longer than its more common cousin.


Mature trees are hardy to some frost, probably to at least 10F and possible lower. Said to be hardy to zone 6-7. Younger trees should be protected from hard freezes or long frosts.

Growing Environment

Grows best in filtered sun, as it is a naturally occurring understory tree. Can be container grown. Shield from strong afternoon sun. Grow in fairly moist, acidic soil as trees have low tolerance of alkaline conditions.


Can be propagated by seeds or by rooted cuttings. Seeds are best sprouted after cold stratification at 38-42F for up to 90-120 days.


Planted as an ornamental. When in bloom it is often considered one of the prettiest flowering trees.

Native Range

Native to Eastern Mexico from Nuevo Leon through Veracruz.

Friday, November 8, 2013

3 weeks here

After being here for three weeks we have accomplished a lot. Outside bathroom tiled, curtains hung
 ( to be reviewed next year), 5 fans installed, RV. clean inside and out. Ready to settle in now.
We have gone twice on the bikes to PV. We are going to Guadalajara in the middle of December to see Carlos Santana, Gloria Estafan and many more bands. We will ride there and sight see then go to the concert and maybe stop in at a few other places on the way back? Leon for leather goods?  Friday woman's darts is in full swing, many women there today. Nice to see everyone again. I still haven't gone to see about Spanish classes again, but. I will soon, I think :/