Last night the smoke, from the forest fires around Fairbanks, got very thick and around our camp site the smoke and ash caused us to stay inside the RV. This morning, the truck and bike were covered in the stuff. So we left Fairbanks and started down the "Parks Highway" towards Anchorage. Once we got out of the valley, past the little hamlet of Nenana and started climbing a bit, the smoke cleared away and the drive into the "Alaskan Range" of mountains the drive and scenery became quite picturesque. Driving through the Nenana Canyon was beyond
pictures, it was so beautiful.

It wasn't long and before we new it we into Danali National Park & Preserve. We pulled into the tourist information centre and had a look around. We found out that you can't drive into the park, but you can take bus tours all the way up valley. We decided to take a tour, but it is a day event. We found the nearest RV Park, as Denali Campsites were completely full. Got to Grizzly Bear RV Park, checked in and that when my problems started. I won't go into details, but got the truck stuck, slide off the road(when I tried to back out) and spent the next 3 1/2 hours tring to get myself unstuck. With a lot of help, a come-a-long and a long timber, we finally got the RV into a site. So much for RVing, fun but some times a lot of work. Nothing that a few beer couldn't fix, and all was well. Had a late dinner and off to bed, must get our sleep to have a good day tomorrow.
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