Last night was fun. Went to Abel's again and had dinner. There was a big crowd at one table and they were having a great time. Another (couple?) sat with us and they had to send some people away. A couple of Ladies from the big crowd helped him out by serving drinks and such. The Lady sitting with us was from Whitehorse YK, and the guy was from Wisconsin.
After dinner we walked back and sat outside with the family that runs this place we're staying at. Lot's of laughs and fun. Trying to get Brad to use more Spanish and taught him to ask "would you like a beer"? "quisera una cerveza, mi amigo"? he did pretty good with that one after alot of prodding and teasing. Then we tried to teach him "Good evening" "Buenas Noches" he kept saying "Buenas Natches(SP)" and they were laughing hysterically. He was saying "Good Bum or Ass" another words Nice Ass! to people going by. It was really quite funny. Then off to bed.
We're finally getting kind of on track with the time change and the traveling all day, got up this morning 7:30am and had coffee on the balcony

Then Brad went for a walk for about 45 min. Came back with espresso for us both, only 6 pesos a shot = .52 CAD. Sat around for awhile and the cable guys came and hooked up (not that we watch a lot of TV but it's nice to have. Then off to the Market in La Penita by collectivo (bus/van) 12 pesos = $1.03 CAD, where we bought some things (facecloths, laundry basket, fish frying thing, and two larger mugs) for the bungalow. We also picked up a bunch of fresh produce and some coffee. Taxi back home 25 pesos = $2.15 CAD. Sat in the sun for awhile then Brad went for another walk and picked up a bit more food items. When he got home we had lunch, went for a swim then nap time. Seemed hotter today but it wasn't, 28 degrees C or so. We are staying home for dinner tonight, spagehti with meat sauce and garlic bread. Tomorrow I think we will go to the beach in the morning and see what's happening down there. No pictures to post, we keep forgetting to take any we're having so much fun.
Miss you, wish you were here!
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